



The ice skating rink at Northrup Park will be open starting the evening of January 10, 2025.  Skates are available in the foyer of the Village Hall.  Please return borrowed skates when finished using so others can use.  Please follow rules listed at the rink. Enjoy!


Welcome to our website!

This is the official website for the Village of Wolcott NY and the Wolcott Historical Society.

   Our Village is located in Wayne County NY. It lies nearly halfway between Rochester NY and Syracuse NY and is located just a few miles south of the Lake Ontario shoreline.

   The Wolcott Square Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2001

   One of the more prominent landmarks of our Village is the statue of "Venus Rising From the Sea" which stands at the four corners in the heart of downtown Wolcott and is an integral part of our Historic District. Venus is made of cast iron and is one of only eight known to exist in America. The statue arrived here in September 1913. It was felt that with the installation of a public water system in the village, there should be some kind of public drinking fountain "for both man and beast" at the site of the old town pump and four corners.

   Along with a spectacular waterfall, our parks, and many, many attractions around our area, Wolcott is a marvelous place to live, work, or just visit!

   Feel free to browse around our website using the menu above. You will find lots of useful and interesting information related to our village, local business, and also information about the history of the area in general along with some pictoral depictions of days gone by.

Enjoy your visit!


 bike small


The Wolcott Police Department has a few found/abandoned bicycles in their possesion.
Please View This Page to see if they may belong to you or someone that you know.



Food Schedule
Download File

Water Bond
Download File

2024 - 2025 Budget
Download File

Download File

What is the schedule for water and sewer bills?

Water / sewer bills are due quarterly on the first of June, September December and March. Bills must be paid no later than the 28th of the month due to avoid a 15% penalty. An additional penalty of $15 will be added to your bill if paid after the 10th of the month following the due date.

Can I pay my water bill online or with a credit card?

The Village of wolcott  is pleased to announce
that we now accept credit/debit cards
as well as e-check payments
for your water/sewer bill



* Please note that fees will apply to credit card payments
These fees are placed by the processing company
They are not controlled by the Village of Wolcott




Taxes can now be paid by Credit Card

*Please note that fees will apply to credit card payments
These fees are placed by the processing company
They are not controlled by the Village of Wolcott

Click on the below link to access the website for tax information


  Find Wolcott NY on Google maps
Click below





   Village Office
6015 New Hartford St
PO Box 85
Wolcott, NY  14590
 Village Clerk-Treasurer – Fran Acker
Phone 315-594-9501
Email the Village
    Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 12 noon
Closed Saturday & Sunday
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   Privacy Policy